Musing on the Mundane: The Art of Living

The Everyday Journal muses on themes, ideas and practices which relate to and feed our individual and collective creative wellness and self-inquiry. This is a place of both arrival and departure, welcoming a sense of wonder, restoration and play. The Everyday was created as a concept space for all of us to share, we hope you feel at home here.

I choose to revel in the mundane.
— An Ode to Self
Words and Film by Alexandra Burton

The card I pulled from An Ode to Self was ‘I choose to revel in the mundane’ and for me, this is such a powerful invitation to find the beauty in the simple ordinary moments of every day life and to really relish them. This ethos of the art of living is something I aspire to have. How can I live more artfully? For myself, not for others.

I think we choose the meaning we assign to a moment, and so cultivating a rich inner world and having a curious outlook in the little rituals in my normal day that anchor me, that I can cherish and be available for, allows me to make the most out of each of them and really be present for the moment I’m in. These moments then become richer and more meaningful; a life fully lived.

To be in and of the moment is the goal, I don’t always arrive there, but I think the quality of our lives depends on the quality of our attention. And as long as you’re paying attention, there will always be a moment to appreciate.

Watch a short film response to Musing on the Mundane: The Art of Living here.

Alexandra Burton is a British actor who also works in beauty and fashion photography. As a photographer and content creator, her unique point of view is that of playful curiosity, with timeless and uncomplicated structure being her signature. Her work aims to interrogate the dichotomy between emotion and beauty in a simplistic artful expression. More on @creamwhip_

The Everyday Journal is open to submissions of contributions, creative exchanges or collaborative connections, get in contact.


(vol.3) unwinding